The Fair Earth Foundation and AWdF are collaborating with The Plastic Bank. The Plastic Bank is a global organisation. It is fighting to end plastic pollution and its devastating impact on the marine environment in particular.
Central to its mission is the critical argument that the first thing that needs doing is to cut off the supply of plastic entering our oceans. If a bathtub is overflowing, the first thing you do is not mop up the water but to turn the tap off. The vast majority of plastic entering our oceans is in the developing world and one of the key drivers is poverty. What we do in the developed world is important - reuse and recycling, finding substitutes to plastic. BUT it does not touch the core problem in a global and therefore meaningful way. |
Plastic Neutrality is a practical solution. We can change our habits in the way we use plastic BUT to affect real change we need to find ways to finance stemming the flow of plastic pollution in the third world. We can ‘buy’ plastic neutrality by donating a modest sum of money to the Plastic Bank; this calculation is based on the average annual consumption of plastic in the West by individuals.
You can choose to go Plastic Neutral through our Global Citizenship Voucher Scheme. If you simply want to become Plastic Neutral now...
We have beautiful informative awareness posters on plastic neutrality, please ask us and we will send them to you, free of charge to display at your school, house or workplace.