"A picture is worth a thousand words"
Credit www.boredpanda.com
submit or nominate a picture for inclusion on our website
To submit photographs, please email the photograph and your reasons for why you think it should win and we will put together a gallery of your images.
submit a picture for our LEFF 2021 photographic exhibition
Winning photographs will be shown at our exhibition in London. There are six categories:
To submit photographs, please email the photograph and your reasons for why you think it should win.
- Best Nature Photograph
- Best Nature Under 18 Photograph
- Best Environmental Picture
- Best Under 18 Environmental Picture
- Best Society Picture
- Best Under 18 Society Picture
To submit photographs, please email the photograph and your reasons for why you think it should win.
watch the leff 2019 photographic exhibition
"The Impact of Plastic Pollution on the Marine Environment"
This exhibition was produced by Internationally renowned photographer Sergio Hanquet. Throughout his life he has had a deep affinity with the ocean and marine life. This exhibition captures the horror of the impact plastic pollution has on this world. There was a great deal of celebration of his exhibition in international press: Sergio Hanquet Facebook Profile El Día Article Sol del Sur Tenerife Article El Digital Sur Article Canción a quemarropa Article Facebook Post |