JenNifer RamseyJennifer Ramsay is a Scottish storyteller living in Spain. She has told stories in more than 2,000 events including many international festivals. She weaves stories together with Eco Art Therapy into unique workshops to reconnect with the rhythms of nature.
Her stories are from Scotland and other cultures around the world. She is part of the global network of Earth Storytellers and a contributing author to Earth Stories in Action (Volume 2 of The Earth stories collection) Jennifer’s creativity is inspired in the dawn of humanity when we used to sit around the fire and share stories to connect with ourselves, our clan, and the mystery of the universe. She believes that the wisdom of stories can help us overcome the environmental crisis our planet is facing. She is the founder of Story Arte, a centre for Storytelling and Eco Art Therapy and in the foothills near Madrid and is fluent in English and in Spanish. Story Arte Website is Story Arte Teachable online school Contact: [email protected] and by telephone: +34 670 917 487 |