Earth Week participant ‘Facilitator’ details:
Session Title: |
'Finding Freedom: The Art of Living in the Digital Age'
Session Leader: |
Bronwen Rees
Category: |
Duration: |
6 months
About: |
An integrative course in spirituality, psychotherapy, systems theory and science
Are you:
As the light is fading in Western civilisation and old institutional forms disintegrate, there is an urgent need for a review and revaluation of what it means to be human. Out of the chaos of the pandemic, war and growing poverty an opportunity arises for us to reconnect with what has become lost in the technological and digital world – our life of spirit. This six month course offers a unique opportunity to explore the art of being human in a rapidly changing age. Bringing together the insights and practices of perennial wisdom east and west with cutting edge modern psychology, neuroscience and physics, you will learn how to train and focus your mind and heart to live a creative and ethical life. It is based upon the unique method developed over many years by Dr Bronwen Rees – MMM– Memory, Mirrors, Metamorphosis – a pathway to self-transformation This will enable you to find the freedom to meet the challenges of an increasingly The ancient philosopher Socrates said that the unexamined life is not worth living. For him, and many who followed him, the dictum ‘know thyself’ was the most noble path that could be taken to self-discovery and knowledge. This perennial wisdom has not changed, but the context of its understanding has. This course provides the opportunity for you to explore and develop pathways within yourself through reflection on your inner and outer world, and the relationships between them. It brings together the principles of action research, modern science and of spiritual practices of different traditions offering a unique pathway for self-illumination. As part of a small group, you will become one another’s mirrors supporting one another on finding out what it means to be human, who you are, and how to shape your future more consciously. At the end of the course you will have:
It consists of three weekends over a period of six months, with group contact in between to reflect upon your progress. The method: memory, mirrors metamorphosis We will work through ‘embodied field inquiry’ developing deeper faculties of listening and relating to the world. We will use the principles of action research throughout the period to support one another on our journey. Together, these practices provide a pathway for reconnecting with, and understanding soul life. Throughout, you will be building up an enhanced faculty of memory, opening up pathways to self-realisation and reconnecting with soul. This follows the fundamental tenets of the great polymath, Rudolf Steiner who wrote at the beginning of his ‘Riddles of Philosophy’: ‘During the first period of his life, man develops the power of memory through which he will, in later life, recollect his experiences back to a certain moment of his childhood. What lies before this moment he feels as a dream of life from which he awoke. The human soul would not be what it should be if the power of memory did not grow out of the dim soul life of the child. In a similar way the human soul can, at a more developed stage, think of its experiences of the challenge expressed in the words, “Know Thyself”. It can have the feeling that a soul life that does not awake out of its dream of life through this experience does not live up to its inner potentialities.’ Weekend 1: Know yourself: memory
Zoom call: 3 hours Reflection on work and outcomes during the month. Setting goal for forthcoming month Weekend 2: Becoming your authentic self: developing presence in relationship to others
Zoom call: 3 hours Reflection on work and outcomes during the month. Setting goals for forthcoming month Weekend 3 Mapping out the future