Sao Tome
No one has studied this community of Humpback whales and we are particularly interested in it because we know about 10% of the population will carry on travelling west to further breeding grounds off the coast of Sierra Leone (our base there is by a bay known locally as Whale Bay so named because that is where the whales came every year. Now they stay somewhat away from the coast but we know they still arrive in August! They leave tantalisingly close to when the Arctic populations travel down to their breeding grounds just a few miles further west in the Cape Verde Islands! Do they interbreed? Do they return to the Gulf of Guinea? Or do they meander across to join the population off of Brazil before heading south to their feeding grounds in Antarctica?
Funding is required to rent suitable boats, acquire dedicated acoustics equipment and photographic cameras, possibly tracking devices, accommodation, transport and sustenance. A team of 6-7 is anticipated. A project for an Angel!?
Project Plastic